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Materials Under Extreme Conditions Division

Not all industrial processes are developed under standard conditions. Some applications require materials able to work under extreme conditions of pressure, temperature, radiation or corrosion. The development of these materials is not an easy process and requires an accurate design and testing. The Materials Under Extreme Conditions Division is specialized in providing support in all the development stages of those materials that will be exposed to extreme conditions. Our expertise ranges from the multiscale modelling of the materials to certification tests under the most diverse conditions follwoing current regulations. The Division focus its activities in liquid metals, corrosion processes and materials under high temperature and high pressure conditions.

Liquid Metals

Liquid metals are employed as coolants in environments with extreme temperatures. Nuclear energy is one of the most common industries in which they have been employed, but most recently other applications in the same field of energy have taken advantage of these materials, as for example Concentrated Solar Power (CSP). ICAMCyL has experience in the optimization of materials for applications which involves liquid metals, taking part in H2020 project NEXTOWER (


Corrosion is one of the most common causes of materials failure. The presence of extreme atmospheres or aggressive liquids can speed up the process, endangering the integrity of materials. ICAMCyL offers wide support in corrosion issues, helping in the development of materials with extended lives under aggressive conditions.

High Temperature

Keep the temperature under control is an essential step for the development of new factories or industrial equipment, but it is even more relevant under extreme environments. The capabilities of ICAMCyL include the design and simulation of applications that will be exposed to extreme temperatures. Additionally, we can provide certification testing for high temperatures (fire resistance, aerospace applications, etc.) .

High Pressure

High pressure conditions, usually associated to the extraction of oil and gas under extreme conditions, require materials with an exceptional performance. The capabilities of ICAMCyL include the design and simulation of applications that will be exposed to extreme pressures. Additionally, we can provide certification test for high pressures.


Telephone: (+34) 987 440 481
E-mail: extreme.conditions(at)


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